Are you feeling festive yet? Our latest blog might just get you in the mood! It's always a pleasure to see our dresses on bloggers and influencers we admire. And this Christmas we've been in for a special treat. The stylish and smart Julie (@fiorevanil) has captured the spirit of Christmas...Palava style! Wearing our Elsie Floral Feather dress, we spoke with Julie about personal style, the real life of the influencer (did you know Julie is also a trained psychologist and artist?) and the traditional Christmas of her native Ukraine. 
It is so lovely to see you in Palava! You chose the Elsie Floral Feather Dress. Can you tell us what drew you towards this dress and why you like it?
"When I saw your site I fell in love with the cute details and hand illustrated designs! I choose the Elsie Floral Feather Dress because of its art! The dress is simple and classic, but the fabric turns it into a piece of art!"
What are your traditional Christmas foods and activities over the Christmas season in Ukraine?
"In Ukraine we celebrate Christmas on the 7th January (the main Church is the Orthodox Church). The main Christmas meal, called 'Sviata Vecheria' (or Holy Supper) is eaten on Christmas Eve (6th January). You can't start eating the meal until the first star is seen in the sky. Because, when Jesus was born, the first star was listed in the sky."
"The meal normally has 12 dishes which represent Jesus's 12 disciples. The main dish is often 'kutia' a type of a kind of sweet porridge made of wheat.
After the meal, people love to sing carols or 'Koliadky'. They can be sung around the table or you might go out carolling in the streets."
"People sometimes carry brightly coloured stars on poles when they go carol singing. They go from home to home singing songs, homeowners give sweets and money for the carols. The Ukrainian carol 'Shchedryk', was written by Leontovich, and is where the popular 'Carol of the Bells' came from."
When did you first fall in love with the vintage look and what sparked your interest?
"8 years ago, when I saw Dita von Teese, I fell in love with her style! And I knew, when I grow up, I will start to wear this style too."
Describe your look in three words!
"Elegant, feminine, sophisticated"
When you're not curating photoshoots and living the life of a vintage influencer, how do you spend your time?
"I love creativity and also I am an artist - I have my little shop on
Etsy with my lunar inspired watercolours and calendars.
In view of my education (I have two higher educations -
medical psychologist and gestalt psychotherapist), I am now working on the creation of a training about the art of self-expression."
We hope you've enjoyed this little interview and that Julie's beautiful photographs have got you in the festive mood. We know we are! If you'd like to shop Julie's look, just click the link here. Also be sure to check out Julie's beautiful instagram here! Now, here's to a week of mince pie eating and mulled wine drinking ahead! Happy Christmas!
All photo credits: @fiorevanil.
1 comment
How charming to read about her holiday traditions, and such stunning photos!