Fancy a Cuppa?

We would love to have you and your friends over for a Palava styling session! Our new booking system makes it easier for you to plan your visit and ensure all the pieces you would like to try on are available in our shop.

Of course we'll provide tea and biscuits (or something a little stronger and fizzier depending on the occasion ... 🥂)

If you're not in London, feel free to consult our list of stockists or email Abigail to organise a quick call to answer your queries.

You’re cordially invited to come and visit our shop in King’s Cross! Abigail would be delighted to show you around the collection and help you with sizes and styling tips.

Book in and let us know what items you’d like to try on - we’ll get them in from the warehouse for you. And of course, we’ll make sure to stock up on tea and biscuits!

Not Sure When You Can Come In?

Don't worry if you can't plan that far ahead! We're happy to receive you any time. Our shop opening hours are:

Tuesday to Friday - 10am to 5pm
Saturday - 11am to 5pm

Rodney will be at the ready to welcome you with an enthusiastic bark (at least until he gets snuggles).

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