We’re in love with these little Palava print makeup bags. We made them using material from one of our fabric bundles and think they would make a perfect Christmas present (that is if you can bear to part with them…!)

20cm zip
Palava Makeup bag template (download HERE)
2x outer fabric of choice from your bundle
2x lining fabric of choice from your bundle

1. Place zip on top of one of the pieces of outer fabric, matching the edges, right sides facing.

2. Using the zipper foot on your sewing machine, sew the zip into place

3. Match the other edge of the zip to the second piece of outer fabric, again, right sides facing. Sew them together.

4. Your zip should now be attached to the outer fabric.

5. Now to attach the lining - sandwich one long edge of the zipper to between the outer fabric it's already attached to and one of your linings. At the point of sewing this you should have the wrong side of the outer fabric facing the right side of the lining fabric as per image below. Stitch through all three layers (outer, zip and lining).

6. Repeat this process for the second piece of lining fabric only this time, you are attaching it to the other long edge of the zip. Your makeup should be looking like this.

7. Undo your zip 3/4 the way and fold your bag so that the outer fabrics are facing each other and the lining fabrics are facing themselves also. The wrong sides should be facing outwards. Make sure that the outer fabrics are exactly edge to edge by the zip.

8. Changing back to a normal sewing foot, stitch continuously around the edges of your bag using a 1cm seam allowance and leaving a 7cm hole at the bottom of the lining fabric (you leave this hole so you can turn the bag the right way out - so don't forget it!)

9. Clip corners, making sure not to cut through your stitching and turn your bag the right way out.
10. Where you left the hole in the lining, fold the raw edges in and topstitch along the edge to close the hole.
TA-DA! You now have a gorgeous makup bag with an original Palava print. Enjoy!

For those who are new to crafting and would like to give it a go....but maybe feel a little nervous - here are our top tips!
1. Don't worry about making mistakes! Even the most experienced crafters do. Most errors can be corrected, just take things slowly and double check as you go!
2. Always double check measurements before cutting
3. For simple, traditional finishing, use pinking shears - they give a lovely patterned edge with no need for sewing
4. Start on something simple and small! Then let your confidence grow
5. Enjoy using your hands to make something - use this as your time to unwind, listen to the radio, listen to some music. Enjoy it!