Palava Club Fabric Challenge
We know Covid-19 is going to effect all of our daily lives. We have been thinking of how enforced time at home can be used creatively, taking part in little craft projects, learning new skills through online tutorials, and sharing what we made across the Palava Community.
To cheer us all up we are going to set about "The Palava Fabric Challenge"
To start us off, you can find below some projects we have already listed. Over the next coming weeks we're aiming to accomplish many more, giving inspiration ideas and little tutorials of what to make from our fabrics and fabric bundles.
Keep a keen eye on this page for updates because we have lots to add! Select a craft project for yourself from our creative project archive below. Here we will share with you what we've been making and also take you step-by-step through some simple fabric projects.
We're also currently looking into interactive streaming solutions for our craft workshops and Palava Club mending socials.
For our little team at Palava, making is therapeutic. It provides a moment of calm, it gives us something to do when we're stuck at home, and it provides a creative outlet when we've been staring at screens for too long. And of course, it produces something unique and wonderful that we can gift to loved ones or get endless enjoyment from ourselves.
So have a browse, find a project you fancy - and don't forget to share your creations with us!
We would love to see your projects and share them across the Palava Community to help inspire them. So be sure to tag us @palavafolk and use the hashtags #palavaclub and #palavamyway on your socials.
Happy sewing!